Tuesday, May 10, 2011

When Motivation Kicks In...

My house is very rarely a disaster. It is also rarely spotless clean - with 2 cats there is kitty hair everywhere. I have been wanting to clean up, straighten up, vacuum, the usual; but I have been lacking the energy and motivation for the past week or so. Don't you hate that feeling! Finally, last night I reached my breaking point; I knew I was going to have to get my house back to the way I like it (and my husband had no ironed clothes for work). So after we got Nora to bed we were both on a mission. I vacuumed, dusted, etc; and he ironed!

Sometimes we don't  have the motivation to work hard to accomplish the things we want until we get to a breaking point. It was the same way with losing my baby weight after being pregnant. It took until Nora was 5 months old until I felt a true desire to work at getting my body back.

Have you experienced the same breaking point with your fitness goals? Or are you still waiting to get there? I have found through my own experience and through personal training, that you will never accomplish the goal you want to achieve until you are ready to dedicate yourself to it. So if you aren't ready, it's OK. But when you do get that burst of motivation, work hard and stay positive, knowing that each day is a new day you can work towards your goal!

Today I spent about 65 minutes on the elliptical machine and burned 710 calories. 2080 calories remaining for the week. I struggled for the first 30 minutes on the elliptical. I zoned into a segment on the Today Show or GMA and felt like time had flown by, but when I looked at the monitor I had only been working out for 12 minutes! UGH! I hate that! But I pushed myself to stay strong and to keep going - I WANTED TO GET TO MY 710 CALORIES AGAIN! I was motivated to reach that goal and I made sure I was going to get there.

Have you gotten to the gym yet today? What is your game plan for your workout? Whatever it is, stick with it and make it happen! You'll feel great once you accomplish that goal!

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