Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Trying Again

Have you ever wanted to accomplish something...you try and try, but you end up falling short of your goal over and over. Maybe you want to perform a handstand, or maybe be diligent about working out and eating right. 

For me, I've got my cardio workout down, but I am struggling to get my water and ab exercises in during the rest of my day. I have to come up with a better system to stay on track. So I am trying again!

Yesterday I ended up drinking 4 cups of water (instead of 5). I have a water bottle that holds 3 cups. I finished 3 at the gym and refilled it. I should have been keeping that water bottle with me around the house, but I didn't. When I got up this morning there were 2 cups worth of water still in the bottle! If only I had been keeping track, I probably would have at least downed a cup of water before going to bed!

I also never took the time to do my ab exercises from physical therapy. I am suppose to perform about 8 exercises 2x/day. I never stopped and did one set. So today I am going to try to stop and make sure I fit it in. It's important to me!

What are you going to try to fit into your day? If it's important to you, you'll find a way. It's like the saying - Where there is a will, There is a way...right?!


  1. Got 3 cups of water in and 1 set of my ab exercises! I'm just over half way to reaching my other goals.

    Oh and I burned 700 calories on the elliptical today!

  2. Hi Jaime:

    Drinking 8 cups of water a day is a piece of cake for me. It's the consistency of working out daily that I struggle with. I am going to do one day at a time and continue to read your blog .... it motivates me. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this and keep us posted on your progress.

  3. Thanks for commenting! It's great to hear from people reading the blog!

    I totally commend you for getting 8 cups in a day. That is awesome - it is such a struggle for me. Working out daily is a challenge too, for me, I have found making it a part of my daily routine some how makes it much easier.

    If you would like, comment when you workout. It would be great to hear what you like to do when you workout! It might motivate other readers and myself to try something different!
