Saturday, March 19, 2011

Week 3, Day 6

Another successful day of burning calories, but not successful at losing weight right now. I know I haven't been eating the right things so I can't act like I don't know why. Plus, I haven't been getting my 8 cups of water in like I wanted. So now I am trying to figure out a better eating plan. Breakfast is easy - I always have oatmeal with blueberries and sometimes walnuts. For lunch I just tried the Strawberry Banana Yoplait Frozen Smoothie Mix and had 2 pieces of toast! When I get hungry I'll have string cheese for a snack. And for dinner we're having Chili.

700 calories burned
213 calories remaining

1 comment:

  1. Between a hurt knee, a nasty cold, and being crazy busy at work, I've had a few too many excuses for not working out the last 2 weeks. That said, I'm back in it now!

    Burned 950 today on the elliptical - took about seventy-five minutes. Good to be back in it!
