Friday, July 1, 2011

Making Each Workout Count

I got my 700 calories burned on the elliptical this morning and I now I can enjoy the rest of my day! My elliptical workout wasn't quite at as easy as it was yesterday. Multiple times I thought - "I only have 1400 calories I have to burn over these next 3 days. I don't have to burn a full 700 today." I thought about stopping at 300, 500, and 600 calories. But in the end I stuck it out and made my workout fully count. I like burning the full 700!  Now I can burn 700 calories tomorrow and Sunday's workout is a bonus day. Or I can take Sunday off if I burn 700 on Saturday. It allows for some weekend flexibility!

I made today's workout count! Make your workout count for you today too!


  1. Hey Jaime!
    Today I decided to see how many calories my daily hockey burns for fun. When I have ice time I burn about 1121 calories! Without ice it's about 625. Gotta love hockey!

  2. That is ridiculously awesome! How many calories do you think you are burning in a week? If you want, keep posting.I love hearing from you!

  3. 550 for me today! 40 minute Insanity video and then a quick run around the neighborhood. 650 calories to burn over the next two days. I'll be up north for the holiday weekend, so hopefully I can survive the heat and get a good run in!

  4. It worked out to about 5372 including my 3 on 3 league twice a week.

  5. Finished my calories with a 60 minute run today. Have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!

  6. Katie - wow! that is awesome!

    Nicole - It's nice getting 3500 calories done on Saturday isn't it! Makes Sunday seem so relaxing! Have a great 4th too!
