Monday, July 11, 2011

Week 20!

It's week 20 of the 3500 challenge! If you are visiting this blog for the first time, this blog is all about burning 3500 calories a week through cardiovascular exercises of your choice. Each day I post my progress and you can comment along with me!

Today I burned 800 calories on the elliptical! I spent close to 75 minutes of the elliptical. I love Monday mornings. I always seem to have more energy on day 1! What was your workout like today?

Yesterday, I talked about my priorities being a bit out of order and that it was definitely taking a toll on my calorie burn progress, weight maintenance, and keeping up around my house. So today I started the day off right: Steel Cut Oatmeal, Workout on the Elliptical, Shower, Laundry and Straightening up the house while Nora naps, and then off to Physical Therapy and running Errands. I am keeping track of my calorie intake too to help me get back in control of my snacking!

Hope everyone has a great start to the week!


  1. I am using you as my inspiration! My eating has been OUT OF CONTROL lately and I also did not meet my calorie burn last week. I am going to try to stay on track this week. Started the morning off with a 40 minute Insanity workout and then Kyle and I ran to the gym this evening to do a 30 minute workout on the bike. Grand total of 700 calories burned today!

  2. Hopefully we can keep each other motivated and get back on track. Seems we are starting out the week strong!
