Saturday, July 9, 2011

Still Behind!

I just got back from the gym and burned 700 calories on the elliptical! I was hoping I would be further along with my calories burned by today because I was hoping to go on a walk and was thinking I would sneak an insanity workout in before bed last night. Neither of those happened. So I have 1,280 calories left to burn by the end of the day tomorrow. I still think that it is possible. If I burn another 700 calories tomorrow at the gym, I just have to burn another 580 some how! Maybe I'll get a walk in today and a short workout in this evening! Lets hope so!


  1. I know how you feel! I have been dealing with compartment syndrome in my right calf for about a year now and it really started acting up recently. I could barely walk on it last night and my foot has been tingling/numb most of the day today so I have to take the day off from working out! Almost 1000 calories to hopefully burn tomorrow! Lets hope both of us can find the motivation!

  2. I'm sorry to hear that you are dealing with compartment syndrome! I hope you recover and your calf starts feeling better. Good idea on taking the day off. It's always better to stay on the side of caution when it comes to injuries. Hopefully you can meet your goal tomorrow! I am nervous about reaching my remaining calories! I've missed 2 weeks so far - I don't want to make this a third week if I don't have to.
