Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Making Enough Time for My Workouts

I have a 2 hour window that I can workout in. When I first started working out again there was no way I would be able to workout for 2 hours. Then I built up my endurance on the elliptical and can go from an hour straight. Add in some ab exercises and stretching and I am at about an hour and a half.

Then Nora stopped napping for me after my workout and had screaming fits when I would shower. So for the past few weeks I have been trying to fit in a shower at the gym. That didn't leave me enough time to get through my full workout. I started cutting my stretching and ab exercises short or completely out in order to stay on the elliptical long enough. That wasn't a good idea. My let muscles got tight and my abs lost some of the strength I had worked so hard to build up.

Luckily, Nora started napping again. So I have decided to start showering at home. It's perfect again. I get my full workout in without stressing about the timing. Getting my priorities in order! It makes everything so much better!

Hope you get a fantastic workout in as well. I burned another 800 calories on the elliptical! What did you do today?

1 comment:

  1. Now that I say Nora is napping again, she decides she would rather dance and laugh while I am rocking her!
