Monday, August 1, 2011

WEEK 23: The 9 Minute Plank Challenge Starts Today!

Burned 800 calories on the elliptical this morning. And completed my ab exercises.

One of the goals my physical therapist gave me was to hold a series of plank exercises for a total of 9 minutes. This includes holding the regular plank on your elbows and feet for 1 minute 3 times. Then turn to your side and hold the side plank on feet and elbow for 1 minute 3 times. Then repeat the side plank on the other side for 1 minute 3 times.

The plank isn't my favorite exercise so I have been skipping this challenge in my ab workout. But my goal is to complete this challenge by the end of this week!

How do you feel about the Plank? Do this extra challenge with me. If you are new to the plank, try it on your knees instead of being fully extended.

Here is a link to show you how to do a front plank:

Here is a link to show you how to do a side plank:

Here is the side plank on your knees:


  1. We had to do planks in my hockey camp and they were terrible! 4 straight minutes! 3 sets! We found that telling a story or doing it to music made it easier. :)

  2. Yikes! 4 minutes straight! That's impressive. Good call on the music. I will try that tomorrow!
